Quotes: A Work In Progress by Connor Franta

A Work In Progress adalah buku biografi atau riwayat hidup dari salah satu YouTuber asal Amerika, Connor Franta. Dirilis pada bulan April 2015, buku ini tentunya menceritakan tentang riwayat hidup Connor Franta, dari kehidupan masa kecilnya, keluarganya, dan perjalanannya menjadi seorang YouTuber sampai sekarang. Kita juga bisa melihat foto-foto masa kecil dan hasil jepretan Connor Franta yang di kemas apik dalam buku ini. Buku A Work In Progress sudah tampil di daftar New York Times Best Sellers selama 16 minggu.

(foto: google)

Kebetulan buku ini sudah menjadi koleksi saya sejak Agustus tahun lalu, dan jujur, bukunya memang menginspirasi. Saya suka dengan cover buku ini dan foto-foto hasil jepretan si penulis yang aesthetic banget. Untuk mendapatkan buku ini memang agak susah juga karena enggak terpajang di toko buku di sini dan harus pesan online di toko buku yang jual buku-buku impor.

Seperti yang saya bilang tadi, buku ini memang menginspirasi, dari kata-katanya yang ditulis sendiri oleh Connor Franta sampai foto-foto di dalam buku yang punya makna tersendiri. Berikut ini beberapa quotes dari buku A Work In Progress.

"Once we learn to accept who we are, imperfections and all, then - and only then - can we achieve our full potential."

"Whether it's the friends who have walked with you or the friends who await you in the future, the value of true friendship is golden."

"Girls can be athletic. Guys can have feelings. Girls can be smart. Guys can be creative. And vise versa."

"We cannot do everything; we cannot be everywhere. If you want to have a good time, make it a good time!"

"Big leaps take time. You don't just wake up one day, have a huge life-altering epiphany, and immediately jump."

"I would rather have 1 amazing best friend than 100 decent regular friends. It's not about quantity, it's about quality."

"Some people won't like you, and you won't like everyone. That's ok. None of that matters."

"You'll walk taller, and as long as you follow your gut, you won't stray far in life."

"If you want to have a good time, make it a good time! If you want to sit and sulk about how bored and uneventful things are, enjoy that."

"The future is as bright as you let it shine."

"Whatever decisions and directions we take, big and small, they all combine to help us figure out who we are."

"We get sick of certain aspects of our lives and forget the end goal. But everything has a purpose."

"Your potential is endless. Just act. Act now. Right now. Leap. Live. Love."

"Failure is your teacher, not your judge."

"Never deny yourself the opportunity for self-expression, in any form."

Nah, itu dia beberapa quotes dari buku A Work In Progress yang ditulis oleh Connor Franta. Semoga beberapa quotes di atas bisa menginspirasi kalian, ya!
